23 October 2010

Bunny Ears

drifting on the webwaves this am and stumbled on these lovely rabbit mask images.
(More about my hoarders situations: i collect masks...
picked up a crazy rabbit mask in Tokyo last October, and now mildly obsessed).
Pulled these pics from all over.. did you know there's a "rabbit masks" photo pool on flickr?
Well, consider yourself wisened. (Making words up now).
Anyway, oddly enough had nothing to do with Halloween... whatevers - enjoy!
from flickr / "rabbit masks"

Tom Banwell is a leathercrafter who makes amazing masks.
Read abt them here.

Loi Doillon for French Playboy. OVERALLS

Google img search

More Tom Banwell

More flickr "rabbit masks"

09 October 2010

Falling for it...

Fall is finally here...
really feeling for the following:

Opening Ceremony X Deyrolle scarves.. (from FNO, i'm a bit late here sowhatwhocares)
do you not know about the Deyrolle? (pics from OC blog)

Karvt iphone 4 covers make your hi-tech look logger tech. 
And for only $25, well, duh. 

Every fall finds me searching Marcel Dzama...
something so folky and fallsy about his sketches/ ink drawings... 
it looks like apple cider tastes. For me anyway.

Then there's Kate Bellm...  stumbled upon her tumblr recently and was instantly in love with her work. 

Early fall soundtrack: Lync - these are not fall colors... I think it's c.1994... 
I was in highschool then (whoa) but it totally brings me back in a sepia-tone-nostalgia-kinda-way.

08 October 2010

Happy Birthday, John!

"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"
-John Lennon"

Today would have been John Lennon's 70th.
Intellectual, musician, social activist, artist, man of style, etc. etc.
Always an inspiration..his creativity, his mind it seems knew no bounds...

My favorite photos from a gallery on lastfm.com...

02 October 2010

Over the moon...

I heart pretty underthings as much as the next girl, so it's no surprise i am completely enamored by
the Spring lookbook from The Lake and Stars. (previous season lookbook love also here)

More importantly, i love me a bit of dark... so truly, skivvies aside, i'm digging the facing pages of tenets from some new age self-help jammy.

Favorite of the above (2nd from top) is from Jane Roberts... who (says wikipedia) channeled some other persona Seth through a ouija board and doled out sage advice... Kooky.

She was actually kind-of a megawatt hippy nerdbabe.
Thinking i need to dig out my black turtleneck.